Feeling Overwhelmed? You're Not Alone

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Do you feel like you’re on empty?

Are you overwhelmed by life’s demands?

Have you spread yourself too thin?

I get it. I’ve been there. In full transparency, I’m in it now. Even as a wellness coach, with knowing all the “right” things to do to destress, I can still find myself in this headspace.

While I can sit here and tell you the 5 ways to live with ease and inner peace, truth be told - you already know what works for you. Maybe what you need is to be vulnerable and real with yourself. Let me explain with a story…

Over the past month, stress has been piling up and while I am consistently shoveling it to lessen the burden, more on that in my previous post, I haven’t fully knocked it out of me. My laundry list of ways to release stress was not working for me. I increased my meditation time, took mindful breaths, worked out, played music, journaled...all the healthy things to do...and nothing! I was left not only overwhelmed but now frustrated because I was doing the “right” things and nothing was changing.

It got to a point where I thought, “hey, practice some gratitude journaling, that will get your mind right,” and let me tell you, that just left me feeling disingenuous and a fake. Now, I’m not knocking ANY of these healthy activities - I’m just being real with you and letting you know, sometimes what others tell you to do may not be what works for you. And that’s okay.

The one thing that did work for me was to get out of my headspace, to open up, and to be vulnerable by calling a friend and sharing my situation. I didn’t pretend to have it all together; I didn’t gloss it over saying “it’s okay” - which if you know me, that’s a phrase I say often. She didn’t try to fix me or get me out of the place I was in. She held space for me and helped me not feel so alone.

Sometimes, we can get wrapped up in the how-tos, the quick fixes, and the right ways to handle different seasons of life, that we end up feeling more stressed and overwhelmed.

Instead of thinking “what should I do” to alleviate stress, switch it to “what do I really need right now.”

For me, I needed to not feel alone in this. It wasn’t another breathing exercise or journaling session that I needed to do; I needed to hear a dear friend’s voice; to hear that she cared, she’s been there, I'm not alone.

What do YOU really need right now? And what will help you get there?

If you want to be in control of your stress, know that it’s possible. If you need a champion to guide you towards making that last, let’s make it happen together! I offer 1:1 coaching programs that will get you on your way to making self-care non-negotiable. Schedule your complimentary 15-minute discovery call today!

Kristianna George